The New Multi-Role Leinebris

Longliner Leinebris was built to a Skipsteknisk design at the Tersan yard – and the Fosnavåg company is sticking with the same combination of yard and designer for its new vessel, scheduled to be delivered in 2025. What is different is that the new Leinebris isn’t a dedicated longliner like its predecessor but will be outfitted to be able to switch between longlining, gillnetting and seine netting. This new vessel design gets an ST-158 designation, and it’ll be a vessel with a 64.90 metre overall length and a 15 metre beam, with double cargo decks, covered working decks and a moonpool for hauling static gear. The crew’s accommodation facilties will be of a very high standard. Photos, video, >click to read< 17:10
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