Is the Great Fishkill of 1976 About to be Repeated? By Jim Lovgren

In 1976 the United States suffered its largest man-made environmental disaster ever as 2,500 square miles of ocean died, thanks to a hundred years of sewage dumping by New York City and Northern New Jersey communities. This catastrophe awakened the public to this disgusting practice and environmental organizations sprung up to fight it, eventually winning the fight. Proving that the little guy can prevail against the “powers that be”. >click to read< 17:37
An extremely informative article which has a factual, historical basis during our lifetime for fishermen in the NY-NJ BIGHT area. Thanks Jim for making us more informed about the negative environment impact of seismic testing…
Yet another example showing the upside down world we live in today. Up is down, down is up. Left is right, right is left. Men are women, women are men. And on and on.
This loonacy has to stop….all of it.