S.C. Shrimpers Association asks public’s help in fighting imported shrimp crisis

The South Carolina Shrimpers Association has announced its new leadership team for the 2023-2025 term. This comes after an emergency meeting was called to address the imported shrimp crisis and elect leaders to navigate the challenges faced by local shrimpers. The newly elected leadership team will shoulder the responsibility of representing the interests of South Carolina shrimpers at both state and federal levels. Their primary focus is on promoting the sustainability of the shrimping industry in the region, particularly in the face of the imported shrimp crisis. Video, >>click to read<< 09:21
Georgia is right there with you! The 8 state US Shrimpers Coalition is petitioning the Dept of Commerce and ITC to put a stop to Ecuador and other countries dumping by petitioning them to investigating trade violations. We are shrimpers representing shrimpers. No more processors or SSA claiming to represent us, just shrimp harvesters and dock owners demanding action to stop the floodgates of imports. If you are a shrimper or dock owner and want to be part of the petition, NOT supporting other people using your info and not representing you, GCFA or LSA, SCSA, TSA or SFA-Fl, MUCF or NCFA will be happy to send you a form to sign on with us.