P.E.I. student who’s worked on lobster boats seeking patent for new lifejacket

Ben Collings-MacKay is in fourth year at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia but hails from Montague in eastern P.E.I.. He has been spending most of his summers out on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, fishing lobster. But he is also the founder of CM Marine Safety Equipment, which in mid-June was awarded top prize for northern Nova Scotia in the annual Spark Nova Scotia competition meant “to activate early-stage innovation in rural parts of Nova Scotia.” Collings-MacKay knows first-hand the challenges fishermen face having to wear both an approved lifejacket or personal flotation device and the kind of protective gear that can keep them warm and dry as they handle heavy traps and nets in a physically demanding job. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:24

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