Lower prices mark the end of spring lobster season

Lobster fishers were reflecting on what many have seen as a good spring season. “This season is pretty well on par with last season,” said Jake Hackett, a fisherman in Seacow Pond. “I’ve been fishing for five years here, and it’s the best season we’ve seen, so it’s going pretty good that way.” While most fishers haven’t missed any time on the water, their season did see a delay to its beginning. Originally, this year’s spring season was due to begin April 29, but poor weather conditions in the lead up made it too dangerous for fishers to head out. After days of waiting, they were finally able to head out, and Landing Day was set for July 4. Despite the good weather and good catches, price continues to be an issue. At the start of the season, fishers were getting $7.75 for canners and $9 for markets, but those prices have since gone down. Toward the end of the season, fishers were getting $6.50 for canners and $6.75 for markets. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:42

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