Outgoing fishing leader warns of challenges facing local fleet

The outgoing head of the Jersey Fishermen’s Association has laid bare the sobering reality of the challenges facing the fleet – as he looks back on nearly two decades as a voice for the industry. Don Thompson said he had “mixed emotions” about his recent decision to step down as JFA president, a role he has held for approximately 17 years. This, he explained, was partly because there are still a number of “big decisions” to be taken by Island fishermen concerning future management of local fish stocks. While no immediate successor has stepped up to replace Mr. Thompson, the 69-year-old stressed that the fleet needed to maintain a “close working relationship” with government “at all levels”. His comments came shortly after States Members unanimously approved an amendment to sea fisheries legislation, lodged by Environment Minister Steve Luce, to raise the minimum landing size for lobster from 87mm to 88mm. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:40

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