U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency Approves First Generation IV Nuclear Reactor

The last time we checked on the nation’s energy industry, the Biden-Harris administration banned drilling for gas and oil on 28 million acres of Alaska (rescinding the order signed by President Donald Trump). However, there is better news on the nuclear energy front. This is good news given that nuclear energy is the only rival to fossil fuels in efficiency and cost-effectiveness and is worthy of supplying power on a civilization-level. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved construction of the first fourth-generation nuclear reactor in the country. According to Interesting Engineering, the new Hermes reactor will be the first one built in the United States in 50 years that won’t be cooled by light water. Instead, it will use a system of molten fluoride salt, and a TRISO (tri-structural isotropic particle) fuel pebble bed design will power the generator. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:37

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