An Unlikely Sea Animal Saved F/V Time Bandit’s ‘Deadliest Catch’ Season

Aboard F/V Time Bandit, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand was struggling. For each Captain, a profitable trip out in the Bering Sea is determined by the catch they bring in. For one journey, it seemed the Time Bandit would return to the dock virtually empty-handed. Captain Jonathan Hillstrand was a bit dejected as this recent trip was seemingly like a bust. Having been out at sea for years, working as a crabber, he had been no stranger to dismal catches. But despite any hope and positivity, unless a miracle was about to happen, it would be just another failure on the list. With only hours to go before reaching the harbor, 250 miles away, Captain Johnathan encountered a miracle. In a scene almost straight out of a movie, he saw some dolphins swimming around the ship. The crew knew that wherever they were heading, there were bound to be some crabs lurking. Because the dolphins would be attracted to the bait like the crabs, it might be a prosperous moment after all. Photos, Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:39

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