Alaska: Sen. Stevens says more details forthcoming on state insurance pool for commercial fishermen

One of the ideas rising to the top of the Alaska Seafood Task Force’s forthcoming recommendations is an insurance pool for commercial fishermen. The state legislative task force plans to release a full list of a dozen potential bills next month to address a downturn in the seafood market. But the group’s chairperson shared some information in advance with the Kodiak Fisheries Work Group on Dec. 18. State Senator Gary Stevens of Kodiak told members of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly and City Council that he would like to use a model the Alaska Municipal League is using for sharing its communities’ insurance costs. This is known as the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association (AMLJIA), which is a self-insurance pool owned and paid for by the municipalities and school districts that make up its membership. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:53

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