Scientists set the record straight on rumors surrounding wind turbines: ‘I want to be unambiguous’
An Australian scientist is debunking some of the more absurd myths concerning wind turbines and their environmental impact, most notably around whales. An article in the Sydney Morning Herald broke down the claims that have been put forth in opposition to offshore wind turbine farms, which include suggestions turbines pose a danger to the lives of whales feeding, migrating, or spawning in the regions where the wind farms are being built. However, Dr. Olaf Meynecke, a research fellow at the Coastal and Marine Research Centre at Griffith University in Australia, was quick to point out these theories have no basis in fact. “The claims that are made by some members of the public or some politicians that it is going to kill whales are absolutely incorrect,” he said. Links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:16
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