A Life Remembered: Captain John Allen Baker,1955 2025
It is with broken hearts that we share the passing of our precious brother, Captain John Allen Baker, age 69 who lost his life at sea February 7, 2025. John was born December 9, 1955, in Canso, Nova Scotia to Calvin Howard Baker and Virginia Margaret O’Hearn. Having no biological children, we wish to acknowledge his commitment to his stepchildren, step-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He loved them all, would wrap them in a wonderful hug and generously shared all his resources (including free fish) with them. John’s career and entire life was devoted to the Commercial Offshore Fishery. There is so much more about John that most will never know. He shared his talents, knowledge and passion with anyone who was interested and mentored many fishermen during his life. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:05
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