Pew: Flooky’s got all the answers on Marine reserves and running the Bermudan government.
Marine reserve: Why don’t we just use current legislation to fine illegal fishing operations? The 1972 Fisheries Act already states that $1 million fines can be handed out to foreign vessels fishing illegally in our EEZ and their boats seized. So what difference does it make to create a marine reserve and close off future potential commercial opportunities for Bermudians to benefit from? Mr Flook believes that current legislation doesn’t have teeth nor does it align with the global legal framework of creating marine reserves in local territories and on the high seas. more@bermudasun 17:53
Marine reserve: How can we enforce such a huge area? There is a discrepancy between what the Pew Charitable Trust says it will cost and what the Government of Bermuda says it will cost. Flooky’ll figure it out. link 18:14
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