MSA Re-Auth Roadshow: ENGO Perspective! Scallopers Haul Back a Short-Sighted Vision
Scallop industry lobbyist Drew Minkiewicz argued that the scallop industry was so well self-managed, so willing to reinvest its gold into critical research and development that the American taxpayer was apparently resisting paying for, so sea-turtle-friendly, so responsible, and so much—well—better than the federal government that the scallop fishery should just be turned over to the fleet to manage itself. (this from a lousy lawyer that defends the NMFS better than they can, then turns around and threatens to sue them!!) CONTINUOUSLY – Bad Petey. more@talkingfish 18:08
Bad Petey must’ve missed this testimony by Dr. Kevin Stokesbury, probably the most important of all, for if he had, he wouldn’t have published such a nasty little rant. What would compel someone as narrow minded as he, to mock a real attorney that isn’t on the ENGO dole? Something to think about anyway, and Stokesbury’s testimony will explain why. Link
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