There’s Whale Meat in the Beer! – Icelandic ‘whale beer’ condemned by conservationists

The brewery’s website claims people who drink it become “true Vikings”.  Conservationists have criticised the sale in Iceland of a beer which its makers claim contains dead whale.  Icelandic brewery Steðji has teamed up with whaling company Hvalur to launch the beer, which is said to contain whale meal. (bore say’s, “draw one!”) Read  12:27

2 Responses to There’s Whale Meat in the Beer! – Icelandic ‘whale beer’ condemned by conservationists

  1. Maybe we should make a beer over here out of enviros. At least that’s what CapnHappy thinks

  2. Chris Scola says:

    I want to wash down some turtle steak with some whale beer!

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