Common sense and disaster relief – Paul Cohan, Gloucester

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NILS STOLPE: The New England groundfish debacle (Part IV): Is cutting back harvest really the answer?
While it’s a fact that’s hardly ever acknowledged, the assumption in fisheries management is that if the population of a stock of fish isn’t at some arbitrary level, it’s because of too much fishing. Hence the term “overfished.” Hence the mandated knee jerk reaction of the fisheries managers to not enough fish; cut back on fishing. What of other factors? They don’t count. It’s all about fishing, because fishing is all that the managers can control; it’s their Maslow’s Hammer. When it comes to the oceans it seems as if it’s about all that the industry connected mega-foundations that support the anti-fishing ENGOs with hundreds of millions of dollars a year in “donations” are interested in controlling. Read the article here
This whole council system is a failure. No let me rephrase that. The council system is a success for the well connected with agendas that just don’t include fishermen as a whole. The failure lies with us, the overwhelming majority of individuals, owners, crews, processors and affiliated business’s that were part of the industry who played by their rules and were foolish enough to think that they were doing it out of the best interest of all.
Back in the day we burned logbooks when they were shoved down our throats. What ever happened to the men and women who used to see injustice for what it was then went out and did something about it?
No we allowed ourselves to be fragmented, allowed the system to pick winners and losers based on what the government decided was right not the people.
We, including myself allowed this to happen. This is yet another example of what we have become as a nation. While the winners and losers were being decided those who stood to gain did so at the expense of their neighbor and fellow fisherman .And the winners knew all along what was happening was wrong. Greed is what has destroyed us Paul.
Perhaps it’s time more folks started looking at their bibles and get back to the foundations and morality that made this nation what it used to be! Or, perhaps it’s to late.