Tag Archives: PAUL COHAN
Common sense and disaster relief – Paul Cohan, Gloucester

Letter: Fishing industry must unite – Paul Cohan, Gloucester
In response to the Yankee Fleet article (“Cod restrictions hit charter fleet,” May 25): I think there’s a lesson to be learned from this crash. That being that we all either swim or sink together. We can no longer afford the self-destructive luxury of sniping at each other — commercial vs. recreational, big vs. little, hook vs. net, inshore vs. offshore. NOAA and its masters intentionally employ divisive regulatory tactics in order to prevent us from presenting a united front, which is essential to our survival as a viable industry. Read the rest here 10:33
I smell a rat. Several of them, in fact. Paul Cohan, Gloucester
The fisheries collapse isn’t going to rectify itself at any time in the near future, that is, if the situation is as dire as NOAA and it’s ENGO puppet masters insist. Therefore, a buyout program, as originally incorporated into the industry disaster relief plan, is clearly not only a commitment, but a necessity. There is a substantial number of permit holders who have been forced to sell their boats in order to just catch up with their bills simply because they don’t have enough fish, and access to what few they do have, to remain solvent. Read the rest here 08:44
Fishing crisis only follows NOAA’s failed policies – Paul Cohan, Gloucester
Weren’t NOAA’s “catch shares” and “sector management” strategies supposed to have been the panacea for the fishery? Weren’t they supposed to eliminate the widely acknowledged disparities between inshore and offshore, different gear types, big and little? Weren’t they supposed to eliminate the last vestiges of the failed Days At Sea management suite, with its associated trip limits, wasteful discards, and discriminatory spacial and temporal allocations? Read the rest here 13:49
Homage to the late Richard Gaines – Letter: Don’t forget Gaines’ push for fishing justice – Paul Cohan
While everyone’s talking about disbursement, and congratulating elected and non-elected representatives upon the news of the federal fishing aid package, it has occurred to me that there is no individual who deserves more credit for this and many other minor victories than the late Richard Gaines. Without his dogged, investigative, reporting and well-seasoned and honed intuition, the few positive accomplishments, this one certainly included, which we have experienced over the past few years, would not have been possible. Read more@gdt 07:53
Paul Cohan: This is in response to John Bullard in the Myopic View Column in the GDT
I don’t know where to start. This is one of those instances where “to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool is better than opening it up and removing all doubt”, something you should’ve considered before you submitted this deceptive drool. Your self serving revisionist history would be right up there with “intelligent design” if not for the fact that there is nothing intelligent designed into “Your View: Read more here – John Bullard, My View: Fisheries hold challenges, opportunities 20:41
Letter: Budget bill the right way to get at NOAA – Paul Cohan, Captain, F/V Sasquatch, Gloucester
I am writing regarding the Senate Appropriations bill on fisheries. Obesity in government is truly an epidemic and NOAA is the posterboy — overstaffed, overpaid, and underworked, a recipe for systemic, catastrophic failure. continued@GDT
Letter to the Editor: Mayor wrong to throw NOAA a ‘white flag’ – Paul Cohan, Captain, F/V Sasquatch, Gloucester
I am writing in response to the story regarding Mayor Kirk and her planning for “transition” on Gloucester’s waterfront (the Times, Page 1, Monday, May 20). One thing I’ve noted over the years is that “nicey nice” doesn’t work with the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, the Department of Commerce, or any other federal agency. In D.C., it seems, diplomacy is seen as weakness and something to be exported overseas (where it clearly doesn’t work either). Domestically, it’s gloves off, bare knuckled, all out, do or die persistence that carries the day. continued
Letter to the Editor: This is an open letter to NOAA regional administrator John Bullard. Dear John, I’m leaving you. You’ve lost me. Paul Cohan, Captain, F/V Sasquatch Gloucester
This is an open letter to NOAA regional administrator John Bullard.
Dear John, I’m leaving you. You’ve lost me. You’ve tripped yourself up in your misinformation too many times.
The honeymoon is over. It’s all over. My heart is broken. And I’m angry. Do you actually expect anyone to believe this gurry barge you just attempted to foist upon the public as truth? This is Gloucester. We still hear the shrill echos of your elitist “nobody is guaranteed a job for life” — unless you’re “the Shredder” and his enforcement gang. Then your callous “day of reckoning” comment! Bet you wish you could take that one back! continued
Letter: Quota caps would further harm fishery Paul Cohan – Captain, F/V Sasquatch Gloucester
NOAA and administrator Jane Lubchenco demanded and enacted a deeply flawed, possibly illegal amendment in which various interests have invested millions. It is just not financially feasible to undo this. Amendment 16 privatized and commodified fishing rights. Unless they intend to scuttle the “catch scam” system altogether, which is highly unlikely, the council will only exacerbate and perpetuate the misfortune of some while ensuring the fortunes of others by establishing accumulation limits this late in the game. Read More http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x520551946/Letter-Quota-caps-would-further-harm-fishery
Paul Cohan – F/V Sasquatch Shift of fishing closure gives hope
To the editor:
Hats off to John Bullard and the Northeast Seafood Coalition (“NOAA backs off gillnet closure,” Page 1, Gloucester Daily Times, Sept. 27).
How is it that the coalition, with far fewer resources and access to data, devised an acceptable alternative that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grudgingly accepted with less than 96 hours to go before the closure went into effect? http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x708369977/Letter-Shift-of-fishing-closure-gives-hope