Gulf warming study based on bad science, stakeholders say
The study, performed by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and appearing in the journal Science, concluded the Gulf of Maine’s surface water is warming more rapidly than 99.9 percent of the rest of the world’s oceans and that climate change is a contributing factor to the demise of the cod stock. “My first question was whether any part of the study started out to understand the true status of Gulf of Maine cod or if they just assumed that the data from the assessment — which we contend is consistently wrong — is fact,” said Vito Giacalone, policy director for the Gloucester-based Northeast Seafood Coalition. “I was told it was the latter.” Read the rest here 08:39
Vito has never seen a fish that he did not think looked better in a fish bin nor a scientific report that he did not think looked better in the trash. He gives commercial fishermen a bad name, just as rec fishermen and spearfish scuba and snorkel fishermen who kill or want to kill Goliath grouper give all rec fishermen a bad name..