Cape Pond Ice building on the block again

The Cape Pond Ice property at 104 Commercial St. is back on the market. Almost four years after he first listed the property for sale, Cape Pond Ice President Scott Memhard has retained Nordlund Associates to market the approximately 41,000-square-foot property to potential buyers, with the intention of leasing back a portion to run a scaled-back ice manufacturing and delivery operation. The ice company, made famous in “The Perfect Storm” book by Sebastian Junger and the subsequent film of the same name, has seen its fortunes deteriorate along with those of the city’s once-mighty-but-now-dwindling commercial fishing fleet. The industry’s demise has slashed its demand for ice until it now represents only about 10 percent of the company’s overall sales. Read the rest here 19:44
They were the, “Coolest Guys In Town,” until I got there. RSW and on demand ice making systems have virtually rendered many ice houses obsolete. If it wasn’t for zoning laws designed to provide a death tax for the fishing industry the place would be a giant hotel right now.