Fishermen are fighting windfarm company Dong Energy for their future

Fleetwood’s last remaining fishermen have staged a stirring flotilla protest as they desperately fight to save their livelihoods. Eight of the town’s remaining ten fishing boats were adorned with giant banners yesterday afternoon as they sought to highlight their struggle with windfarm company Dong Energy. One banner proclaimed “Wind farms taking over fishing grounds. Fleetwood fisherman Will Bamber says the protest is over plans to extend an already large windfarm in the Irish Sea. He says DONG Energy’s plans could force boats out of their fishing grounds for an entire year – the whole of 2017 – and kill off their livelihoods. Mr Bamber, 33, spokesman for the Fleetwood Commercial Fishermen’s Group, said: “I might be wrong, but I think this could be the first official protest at sea by Fleetwood fishermen. Read the story here 08:34
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