Remember the Labor Day Drunk Skipper Story? The dock repair estimate is in!
After assessing damage that an allegedly boozy boater caused when he crashed into a dock in Aurora Harbor on Labor Day, city officials have determined that repairs will likely cost about $80,000. Juneau Harbormaster Dave Borg said that PND Engineers examined the damaged dock after Darrin R. Hess, 51, crashed into it on Sept. 5 while driving the, a 43-foot commercial fishing vessel. Shortly after the collision, which left the dock in unstable condition, police arrested Hess and charged him with driving under the influence and refusing to take a breath test. Police took Hess to Lemon Creek Correctional Center after the crash. Before slamming into the dock, Hess played “bumper boats” with several other boats in the harbor at the time, Borg said shortly after the wreck. Neither Borg nor Rios know what the extent of the damage was to the boats Hess hit. Read the rest here 15:23
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