Building, wharf collapse on Gloucester waterfront

Cape Ann Ice owner Scott Memhard was one relieved man last night as he stood surrounded by fire trucks off Commercial Street and surveyed the wreckage of a wharf — originally reported as his — that had collapsed into the Inner Harbor some 20 minutes earlier. “It sounded over the scanner like it was ours,” Memhard said, although Cape Ann Ice’s wharf, located two buildings over, is in sound shape. More reports came in that the collapse was at the old FBI Wharf, which became the North Atlantic Fish wharf, before North Atlantic was bought out by Channel Fish Processing in 2012. There was also confusion about the actual address; fire Capt. Tom Logrande said the storage building was likely 80 Commercial St. but Channel lists its address as No. 88. click here to read the story 08:43
I don’t like saying this but that dock is a metaphor for the entire fishing industry which has been laid to ruin by the likes of the enviro zealot’s that claim they are saving us.
Nice job. A few more buildings and a few more boats and you will be able to have a big “mission accomplished” party.
You people make me sick.
You need more salt air in your lungs… Just who are the “enviro zealots” trying to shut down the fishing industry?