Garnish fishermen facing big bill after boat sinks

Preston Grandy, a fisherman from Garnish, is facing a big repair bill after his longliner sank less then a quarter mile from the community on June 5. “I was over lobster fishing in new grounds, unfamiliar grounds, and I hit an unmarked sunker as the tide was falling,” he explained. “When the tide fell out, then she rolled over.” Grandy said the vessel sustained a hole in the stern, as well as other damage along the side of the boat and the interior. “Complete write off for electronics,” he said. On board the vessel, Grandy had a new plotter capable of creating 3D images, radar, newly installed lighting and other equipment. Tim Ball, a commercial diver who fishes with Grandy, was also on board the vessel at the time it rolled. click here to read the story 09:51
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