Coast Guard, Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington grant child’s wish in Kodiak, Alaska

Members from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak and Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington granted a child’s wish to be a rescue swimmer in Kodiak, Alaska, Friday and Saturday. Andrew Bishop, an 8-year-old boy from Woodland, Washington, was designated as an honorary rescue swimmer aboard the MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter after completing modified rescue swimmer pool training and basic air crewman training, Friday. Bishop was given a flight suit and reported for duty as a rescue swimmer, Saturday morning. During his first day of duty, he responded to a search and rescue case where he and the aircrew hoisted a hiker with simulated injuries. Bishop and the crew simulated CPR on the hiker and safely transported him to the air station. After the mission, he was met by members of various Coast Guard units and families and was presented an Air Medal for his work during the rescue. click here to read the story, and view more image’s. Well Done! 20:09
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