Cape and Islands Lawmakers Join Fight to Protect Offshore Herring

The Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance is receiving support from the Cape and Islands legislative delegation in protecting offshore herring for local fishermen. Earlier this month, the lawmakers called on the New England Fishery Management Council to create a buffer zone off the coast of the Cape and Islands from large-scale mid-water herring trawlers. Current regualtions allow the trawlers to fish three miles offshore from Provincetown past the Islands. click here to read the story 13:34
It’s the Ol’ Forage Fish Farce ad nauseum! This time it’s the Herring that is key to so much existence in the ocean. Wasn’t it just argued (again, ad nauseum) by Pew, et al, that the Whales, Porpoise, birds, and the “game fish” (Stripers and Blues, Tunas and Billfish) were dependent on the Menhaden for their sustenance so commercial landings of that “forage” species should be radically reduced? And weren’t the charter captains on Martha’s Vineyard obsessed with the idea that their Stripers would only eat the Squid that were commercially harvested for a few weeks after their Spring spawn in Nantucket Sound?