Conservation groups threaten lawsuit against Trump administration over salmon fishing

Two conservation groups say the federal government is violating the Endangered Species Act by failing to consider how salmon fishing off the West Coast is affecting endangered killer whales. The Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity and the Washington state-based Wild Fish Conservancy on Tuesday notified President Donald Trump’s administration that they intend to file a lawsuit within 60 days unless officials reevaluate whether the fishing further jeopardizes orcas that frequent the inland waters of the Pacific Northwest. Video, >click to read<15:39
Rukm. These people better NEVER eat another piece of slamon or ANY fish EVER again!!!
Charter salmon fishing is regulated to the pt where sm fishing towns are dwindling away to nothing.
These inlanders dont have a clue about seal lions or fishing! They r just making arm chair decisions, using their emotions as a guide