Cod fishery plummets to least valuable year since 1960s

Maine’s cod fishery, once one of the most lucrative in the Northeast, has declined to the point that it had its least valuable year in more than a half-century in 2018. The state’s industry harvesting the fish-and-chips staple goes back centuries, and it once brought millions of pounds of the fish to land year after year. But data from the state Department of Marine Resources indicate the state’s cod were worth just over $200,000 at the docks last year — less than the median price of a single-family home in Maine. >click to read<09:56
Cod landing will keep dropping, Because New England fishermen avoid codfish because cod quotas are so low because of the inadequate science that is being used today by N.O.A.A. Fisheries and its counsels ! Hoping ,N.O.A.A. Fisheries starts looking ahead because our oceans, fish-stocks & sea-critters & our coastal bottom
habitat is drastically changing now !!