Letter: ‘We found her in the tulip fields’ – a story of tragedy, and beauty

After wandering the furthest reaches of the tulip fields in beautiful Skagit Valley, Mt. Vernon, Washington, and me holding our granddaughter the whole time (I wouldn’t give her up), I needed a break from walking and so sat down on the bench outside the gift shop as the girls wandered inside.,,, The two sisters exited the gift shop with not one, but two – one purchased by each of them because they couldn’t decide which was cutest – of the softest, impossibly long lop-eared, scraggle-furred, stuffed rabbits affectionally – per the tag – named ‘Harey’, or, actually Harey One, and Harey Two. Harey hails from Cricket Island, and his tale began with one of the worst commercial fishing disasters in U.S. history,,,, >click to read<09:31
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