North Atlantic Right Whale: State must secure incidental take permit within 90 days to to avoid fishery closures

Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Indira Talwani said that Massachusetts has done the most of any state in the country to keep endangered North Atlantic right whales from becoming entangled in lobster pot and gillnet lines.,, In her April 30 decision, Talwani postponed ruling on closing fisheries, but gave the state just 90 days to obtain an incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. On Monday, a federal judge in Maine ruled that a similar suit could proceed, denying NOAA’s motion to dismiss. Both injunctions were brought forward by Richard “Max” Strahan, a longtime and controversial right whale activist with several prominent cases over the past two decades who sued under the Endangered Species Act. >click to read< 11:35
These jackasses never stop…now that it’s the Trump Admin..its all against NOAA now….I hope that all these councils and eco-nazi green groups go bankrupt during this plandemic….yes I mean plandemic…and the councils get disbanded with appointees and become voted in by fishermen, crews, and industry related more governor favorites or eco nazi paid fishermen…we’ve done more than any other nation in regards to fisheries..with maybe the exception of New Zealand…pretty much neck n neck..and they smartened up n gave their councils back to the fishermen years ago….