Lifeboat rescuer relives the dramatic seconds when, as fishing boat sank, he and the crew leapt into the sea

Standing on the stricken fishing vessel, 23 miles off the Shetland coast, the RNLI Lerwick volunteer watched as his colleagues on board the Michael & Jane Vernon lifeboat sped back toward him after being buffeted away from the 24m-long steel trawler. With only seconds to act and knowing the lifeboat would never reach them in time, Darren yelled at his crewmates to abandon ship as the Ocean Way shuddered and sank beneath their feet. But that was only half of the story.,, Dramatic footage of the Ocean Way crew being pulled from the water as their ship sank on March 3, 2017, was beamed worldwide as headlines praised the courage and quick-thinking of the The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) team. Now, Darren has recalled the daring rescue in a new book Surviving The Storms, published this week to raise funds for the RNLI. >click to read< 22:27
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