John C. Gowie, a distant water skipper and fishing journalist has passed away

John C. Gowie, the former technical editor of Scottish Fishing Weekly, sadly passed away recently. A former fisherman from Aberdeen, his love of fishing and everything related to the industry always shone through, as did his compassion and wonderful sense of humour. After retiring from sea, he became Scottish Fishing Weekly’s technical editor in 1989. Based in Aberdeen, John covered a wide range within his work. As well as boat reviews and general reporting from the East Coast, he wrote the popular ‘Gearbox’ column, where he looked at technical issues facing the successful operation of a fishing vessel. ‘John lived and breathed the fishing industry and was very proud to have served and contributed on all levels. He and his wife Sheila had five children, 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. >click to read< 19:06
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