Coast Guard crews search for crewman missing from F/V St. Marie Anne off Oahu

Joint Rescue Coordination Center Honolulu was notified by the fishing vessel St. Marie Anne, homeported in Honolulu, that a crew member was missing. The captain estimated the crew member was last seen at approximately 4 a.m. JRCC Honolulu watchstanders launched crews at 9 a.m. from Air Station Barbers Point, Cutter Joseph Gerczak and the Cutter Kimball to begin searching. The St. Marie Anne crew is also searching. >click to read< 19:46
UPDATEED: Coast Guard suspends search for missing mariner 300-miles east of Hawaii – Coast Guard watchstanders suspended the search for the missing mariner, Phouc Nguyen, Friday evening 300-miles east of Hawaii. >click to read< 4:42 AM (2 hours ago)
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