“Acceleration” in Sea-Level Rise Found to Be False – An artifact of Switching Satellites

Sea-level data reported from satellites indicate seas are rising approximately of 3.3 mm/year. By contrast, tidal stations have recorded a rise of approximately 1 to 2 mm annually, a rate which is little changed over the century or so for which we have adequate records. Why the large difference? When NASA and NOAA launched new satellites, the data they produced wasn’t the same as the data recorded by earlier satellites. Citizen scientist Willis Eschenbach obtained NOAA’s Excel spreadsheet showing the full dataset for each of the four satellites. >click to read< 09:21
Accepted that formulas and resulting calibrations between satelites can differ. More to the point, the author does a good job to slant opinion, in using “Why the large difference”. Just between my wife an I, we disagreed on the measurement which would become a “large difference” As well, American’s really have NO idea what a mm is! Try inches eg. 1 mm =’s approximately 1/16 of an inch!. 20 mm =’s about 1 inch.
Nothing slanted about it, on the writers end, perhaps on the reader end,,,