The Voices of Gloucester Fishermen: NOAA offers virtual trip through Gloucester fishing history

The voices speak to the experience of living and fishing in America’s oldest commercial seaport, of the challenges and the joys of working on the waters of Cape Ann and beyond. They are at once a snapshot and endurable timeline collected into recorded interviews and fashioned into an integrated story map of the Gloucester fishing and community experience. The stories and the voices which tell them are contained in the newest online chapter of the Voices of Oral History Archives organized and produced by NOAA Fisheries’ Northeast Fisheries Science Center. It’s titled “Strengthening Community Resilience in America’s Oldest Seaport” photos, video, >click to read< 11:55
It is true commercial fishing is a tough business ,and the younger kids are not interested ,so what is the future for Gloucester? We the government to ease up on restrictions and have incentives so the younger kids might think about it ,I grew up with these fisherman and fished along side of them ,I know how rough the sea can get and have lost relatives. I grew up with these guys and fished along side of them . and know how dangerous this occupation is .