Category Archives: ENGO
Enviro Lobby’s Coordinated Efforts to back door NE Marine Monument’s exposed!
One month ago, environmental groups were strategizing over their latest bid: Get the Obama administration to create its first marine monument off New England. They had talks with fishing groups, lawmakers and think tanks. At the end of August, they exchanged emails over their progress — and in one, the president of the Conservation Law Foundation warned everyone to keep quiet about the possibility of a breakthrough at the upcoming Our Ocean Conference in Chile. The email showed up in response to a public records request that Saving Seafood filed with the office of Maine Gov. Paul LePage’s. Read the rest here Read the email’s here 08:40
Seafood industry chief slams WWF ‘treachery’
NO Australian primary producer should trust the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) according president Karen Collard. Ms Collard has been angered by WWF’s public support for the net fishing bans proposed by the state government. “WWF is enacting a long-term plan to end all fishing in Australian waters – and exert the maximum possible control over all other primary industries as well,” she said. “By supporting the decrease of Queensland seafood production, WWF are increasing demand on poorly managed foreign food Read the rest here 19:24
Greenpeace Pushes Annual Fundraising Tool
Greenpeace is touting the latest in its long line of opaque, subjective, and hopelessly flawed “reports” on retail seafood. This year’s model may have lost the juvenile aesthetic and top hat donning cartoon fish of previous iterations, but the substance—or lack thereof—remains much the same. It is still first and foremost a fundraising tool and evidence of that can be found in its erratic methodology and narrative. Read the rest here 16:20
Can they save the fish? Environmentalists push back against bills
“We think that the conservation requirements are working and more can — and should — be done to actually improve fishery management from a comprehensive point of view,” said Ted Morton, director of U.S. Oceans for the Pew Charitable Trusts. “It is disappointing to have to defend what is working from efforts to weaken and undermine it.” The commercial fishing industry generally supports the current law. But many recreational fishermen and charter boat captains say the momentum to slacken the regulations is long overdue, Read the rest here 12:19
Environmental And Climatic Alarmism Demand Accountability
In Aesop’s story of the boy who cried wolf the consequences included him losing his sheep and his credibility, even if he later told the truth. Today, environmental and climate alarmists who cry wolf don’t lose anything. There is no accountability. In fact, they continue to have credibility, keep their jobs and receive funding as millions of others suffer in a multitude of ways. Cod numbers declined, and they blamed humans. Overfishing is a small part of the problem because quotas are set with little knowledge of the natural variation in stock numbers. The best study of variations in fish populations and climate by Klyashtorin and Lyubukshin is virtually unknown outside of Russia. Read the rest here 19:57
Natural Resources Defense Council on the “Hot Seat” – Senate GOP wants green group’s tax exempt status revoked
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) wants federal officials to revoke an environmental group’s tax-exempt status over a political advertising campaign that the GOP group says violates the tax code. The complaint goes on to say that “NRDC’s donors include a Who’s Who of liberal billionaires and Hollywood elites,” and it is “perverse and indefensible” for the group to let those individuals take tax deductions for political activity. The NRDC is organized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, prohibited from political activity. (its a good start!) Read the rest here 12:53
Anxious to avoid the wrath of the Sea Shepherds, Blackmore’s calls for krill talks
The Sea Shepherd new campaign, Operation Krill, targets Blackmores’ ‘EcoKrill’, an omega-3 supplement pills and its impact on whales in the Antarctic. Christine Holgate, Blackmores CEO, stressed her company and the Sea Shepherd share one thing in common: protection for the environment. She said Blackmores worked very closely with several organisations including World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Marine Sustainability Certification (MSC), and the Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund. Read the rest here 11:00
The distorted view of reality – A Knockout Blow for American Fish Stocks?
Today, in the New York Times, Oceana’s Gib Brogan ignores the facts of the New England fishing industry, a hollowed out shell of what once was an industry of prosperity, dismantled by disgraceful government science, that ignores predator/prey of an out of balance eco system, and of all things, climate change redistribution of certain stocks, Cod, insinuating all fish stocks of the multi specie fishery collapsed. Click the links at the article. Read the Op-ed here. The comment section is open. 09:31
Dear Greenpeace USA, We are in receipt of your petition, and are responding,,,

Wrecking the Planet, one campaign at a time!
We are in receipt of your petition, and are responding on behalf of member companies Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea, and StarKist. We’ve reviewed your petition and attached letter and have found several inaccurate aspects and outright misinformation that we would appreciate you address. While we always welcome feedback from consumers, it does concern us that some of the petition’s signatories appear to come from communities of questionable provenance like “Jerrabomberra, North Carolina”. It is our sincere hope that you have vetted and authenticated,,, Read the rest her 20:01
Pew calls for ban on international trade of Pacific Bluefin
The Pew Charitable Trusts is calling for a ban on international trade of Pacific bluefin, after what it terms as a failure to come up with new conservation measures at the 89th meeting of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), which just ended in Guayaquil, Ecuador. “The failure the IATTC to agree to reduce catch limits or adopt a long-term rebuilding plan for Pacific bluefin tuna leaves the species at risk of population collapse,” said Amanda Nickson, director of global tuna conservation for Pew. Read the rest here WWF expressed concern about the lack of stricter measures to protect shark, and Pacific bluefin tuna stocks. Read the rest here 14:11
The word play of the Environmentalists’
Charles Edwardson, born and raised in Ketchikan with deep roots there, write’s about the environmentalists’ manipulative wordsmithing regarding the proposed old growth timber harvest on Prince of Wales Island.,, Now these Environmentalists groups are just throwing crap out there with no requirement to be factual. On the other hand to be factual is a requirement through federal and state,,, great letter, Read the rest here 08:28
Greenpeace says Marine Stewardship Council is Living in Fisheries Fantasyland!
Imagine if you’re sick or injured and your doctor gives you the ‘all clear’ while still developing your treatment plan. You’d get a new doctor, right? Well, the latest tuna fishery recommended for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification could be given the blue fish tick based on the same faulty logic. There are plans being developed to improve the fishery, but, so far, little evidence of action or results. The certification covers five purse seine vessels currently fishing for skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna in the Indian Ocean,,, Read the rest here 16:04
Cherry-picking the facts undermines green groups
What is it with some environmental groups and their appetite to be selective with the facts and not present a true reflection of our fisheries? The Pew Foundation and New Economics Foundation (NEF) appear to be in a league of their own in this department as is so vividly reflected by their two most recent reports. Pew in its ‘Turning the Tide’ report stated that in many cases the EU’s Atlantic nations set fishing limits ‘contrary’ to recent reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and continue to ‘overfish’ for many species. Meanwhile, NEF claimed that many stocks were fished beyond scientific advice and thus endangering fish stocks. Read the rest here 17:20
Sea Shepherd attorneys to attend Makah whaling meeting next Wednesday in Port Angeles
A legal team from the Sea Shepherd Screwball Society will be among the activists at a public meeting Wednesday, April 29 who’ll oppose the Makah tribe’s campaign to resume whaling. The Owens head Peninsula Citizens for the Protection of Whales. They argue that the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 is “the whales’ treaty with the government.” It bans the killing of whales. For their part, the Makah argue that they reserved the right to hunt whales and seals when they signed the . Read the rest here 15:11
Oceana’s Geoffrey Shester says NOAA fails to connect the dots to Sardine overfishing, pushing the stock over the edge
History repeats as the Pacific sardine population collapses and California’s iconic ocean wildlife feels the impacts. The Pacific sardine population has collapsed 90 percent since 2007 and the fishery has been overfishing during this decline. As a result, (overpopulated) sea lions and seabirds are starving and one of California’s most lucrative fisheries must soon shut down. Read the rest here 08:02
NMFS Accepts Two Petitions to List Porbeagle Sharks under the Endangered Species Act
Today, we announce that we have made a positive 90-day finding on two petitions (Wild Earth Guardians, and Humane Society US) submitted to us to consider listing porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This action is being taken in response to a recent court order concerning the negative 90-day finding we published in 2010, and in response to new information we have on porbeagle sharks. Read the rest here 10:06

Their careers and their futures depend on attacking fishermen and fishing. What more can we expect from them?
There are people who don’t like fishing. There are people who don’t like anyone who isn’t a vegan. There are people who don’t like progress. There are people who don’t like efficiency. There are people who don’t like to thoroughly research issues. There are people who don’t like technology. There are people who don’t like competition. There are people who don’t like people. There are people who don’t like the truth. There are people who don’t like whatever they’re paid not to like. Let’s say that you shared a number of these traits and you were in search of what would be to you a rewarding career. Could you do much better than becoming an anti-fishing activist? Read the rest here 18:29
Oceana blame’s sardine overfishing, not just warmer waters, for sea lion deaths.
But marine conservation nonprofit Oceana, which has a California office in Monterey’s Heritage Harbor, connects another dot to the scarcity of sea lion food: sardine fishing. The Pacific Coast sardine population is at its lowest level in 15 years, Oceana reports. “Any fishing on Pacific sardine right now is overfishing,” said Geoff Shester, Oceana California campaign director. “While federal officials are quick to blame ocean conditions for the declines in [sea lion] prey, they have turned a blind eye to the effects of sardine fishing,,, Read the rest here 07:44
The Eco Cons – Con groups seek to rebuild New England cod fishery
After decades of short-sighted exploitation by commercial fishing outfits, Gulf of Maine cod are at the brink of “commercial extinction,” according to conservation advocates who this month petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service today to end targeted fishing of the species. “The giant cod catches of yesteryear are over — these poor fish have been exploited to commercial extinction,” said the Catherine Kilduff, with the Center for Biological Diversity. Read the rest here 13:13
Another Greenpeace Publicity Stunt! How’s your tuna ranked?
There are lists for everything nowadays — and Greenpeace has a doozy for environmentally-conscious canned tuna lovers. The activist group on Monday released a ranking of 14 brands that examines “fundamental sustainability standards.” It found that three of the most popular brands, representing 80% of the American tuna mark, among the worst offenders: Bumble Bee, Chicken of the Sea and StarKist. Read the rest here 09:43

A Tale of two pictures – NOAA and Enviros have it all wrong on Gulf of Maine Cod!
This is a picture of approximately 2000 lbs. of cod. It represents the first time I have targeted cod in two years. While one picture does not determine the status of the stock it is a powerful illustrator of our current assessment shortcomings. This presentation is on Gulf of Maine Cod but the problems it illustrates cut across numerous species. By way of background, this was a one hour research tow in an open area. I travelled 20 miles to make this tow and it represents the first area that had not been taken over by lobster traps. This alone is cause for concern because most of the Gulf of Maine is now defacto closed to commercial fishing and the trawl survey, by the proliferation of fixed gear. The fact is, none of us now know how many cod exist because no one, including the NOAA trawl survey can fish here. Read the rest here, by David Goethel 16:36
Enviros Petition for Immediate and Permanent Rule Making to Prohibit Fishing for Gulf of Maine Cod
Enviros Petition for Immediate and Permanent Rule Making to Prohibit Fishing for Gulf of Maine Cod
Today’s petition, filed under the Administrative Procedure Act, urges the Fisheries Service to follow the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requirement to rebuild overfished species. The called for the Fisheries Service to prohibit fishing for Gulf of Maine cod, allowing catch only incidental to other targeted fish, and reduce such bycatch to levels that allow the cod population to rebuild. Read the rest here 13:33
PETA launches second attack on Cumbrian aquarium for selling fishing tackle!
An aquarium urged to cut fish from its cafe menu is once again facing pressure to change – this time for selling tackle and bait on the premises. Ms Bekhechi said: “From hacking fish apart and dropping them into a deep fryer to tricking them into impaling themselves in the face, the Lake District Coast Aquarium looks like a rough place for fish, who studies have shown are intelligent individuals who have complex social relationships and long-term memories.” Read the rest here 07:59
Eco Zealot Oceana to feds: sea lions starving due to overfishing
Marine con group Oceana says thousands of sea lion pups that have died on the West Coast this year are succumbing to starvation from a lack of forage fish. Sardines – a preferred fish of sea lions – are more scarce than they have been in 15 years. Oceana is calling upon the Pacific Fishery Management Council to put a moratorium on new forage fisheries at its meeting next month. Read the rest here 14:00
Are the oceans really dying?
Whenever environmental doomsayers run out of arguments, they turn to the sea for hope – or rather, fear. Fish stocks are collapsing, and if climate change doesn’t get us, ocean acidification will. But how true are these claims? Environmentalists are not immune to using hyperbole, lies of omission, red herrings, and appeals to sentiment, fear, guilt, reward or empathy. These are the exact same techniques that a corporate spin doctor would use in advertising. Read the rest here 18:18
Sue and Settle Enviro Groups Go To Court to Protect Blueback Herring from Extinction
Washington, D.C. — Earthjustice, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and a coalition of fishing and watershed protection groups, Anglers Conservation Network, Great Egg Harbor River Council and Watershed Association, Delaware River Shad Fishermen’s Association, filed a complaint today in federal court seeking to reverse a decision by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) not to list the blueback herring as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Read the rest here 13:41
Pew Charitable Trusts promoting illegal fishing crackdown
In New England, one of the U.S.’s most active fishing areas, between 12 and 24 percent of the total catch of species such as cod, flounder and haddock was taken illegal in 2010, according to a study in the journal Marine Policy. Ben Martens, executive director of the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association, said Pew’s project could potentially be a “way to use technology to try and deal with an issue that we have been having a hard time figuring out.” WTF? photo credit Read the rest here 11:44
Matthew P. Mullin, Environmental Defense Fund – We need cameras monitoring every fishing vessel
THOMAS FARRAGHER is absolutely right: If politicians, ranging from the governor to the attorney general to our congressional delegation, really want to help the fishing industry and save the fish, they need to listen to fishermen like Frank Mirarchi (“An expert to reel in,” Metro, Jan. 17). Mirarchi and fishermen like him have seen the benefit of on commercial vessels in New England for years. We need to see what is happening at sea — what is being caught and where, and what is being thrown overboard. Read the rest here 08:55
Pew Pornographic: ‘Eyes on the Sea’ Curtail Illegal Fishing? Spying on ALL Fishermen around the World!
The display shows 120,000 blinking white lights, each a fishing vessel equipped with AIS. While the device is mandatory, illegal operators often switch it off and no one is the wiser. Long says to combat that, Project Eyes on the Seas combines multiple sources of satellite tracking data with secret government information and documentation on every ship’s history.“The same system the fishing vessels use to predict where the fish are going to be, we can bring that environmental source into this data,, Read the rest here 13:56
Fishermen’s Views of a Changing Ocean – Is it your view?
But for commercial fishermen,* is not a future economic problem: It is a problem right now, and it is costing fisherman both income and jobs. Is it? From the pdf version, The breakdown of those interviewed. 146 ground fishermen, 163 Mass lobstermen, = approx. 10% of Mass fishermen and lobstermen combined. 262 Me. lobstermen = approx. 5% Maine lobstermen. Read the rest here pdf version here with interesting citations, Pauly, Pappalardo, etc. 17:43