Daily Archives: September 3, 2018
Cape Ann Seafood Exchange plans to reopen Tuesday
The Cape Ann Seafood Exchange expects to resume landing fish Tuesday, almost two weeks after the U.S. Labor Department effectively shuttered the business by seizing its bank accounts because of unpaid court-ordered damages. Kristian Kristensen, the owner of the fish auction on 27 Harbor Loop, said Thursday night that he had received final paper work from Labor Department officials that unfroze his business and personal bank accounts. “Now we can start putting things back in order, pay some people and hopefully start landing fish again on Tuesday, the day after the holiday,” Kristensen said. “That’s the plan.” >click to read<15:54
Tropical Storm Gordon Public Advisory: Storm Surge Warning, Hurricane Watch is in effect
At 200 PM EDT (1800 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Gordon was located near latitude 25.8 North, longitude 81.9 West. Gordon is moving toward the west-northwest near 16 mph (26 km/h and a west- northwestward to northwestward motion is expected over the next 72 hours. On the forecast track, the center of Gordon will move farther away from the southwestern coast of Florida this afternoon and move across the eastern Gulf of Mexico tonight and Tuesday. The center of Gordon will approach the coast within the warning area along the central Gulf Coast by late Tuesday or Tuesday night, and move inland over the lower Mississippi Valley on Wednesday. >click to read<14:48
Will Congress reel in regulations on America’s fishermen?
Sep. 03, 2018 – 5:09 – Fishing industry says the U.S. government is crushing them with regulations. >click here to play video< 12:03
Local waterman offers crabbing, fishing trips
Although it’s been several years since he last taught at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School, local waterman Fred Pomeroy has never left the classroom. Today, Captain Fred, the owner-operator of Stoney Cove Charters, takes visiting families on the Little Choptank River and teaches them how to dip for crabs on a commercial-length trotline. Along the way, they learn river navigation, the life cycle of a crab and receive a history lesson on Chesapeake Bay watermen. >click to read<11:47
Hatchery chum catch sets new Southeast record
Nine-hundred thousand chum salmon – that was the catch by the purse seine fleet at Crawfish Inlet south of Sitka on Thursday. It looks to be a new record chum catch for a one-day opening in Southeast Alaska. Crawfish Inlet is a new remote release site for the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association, or NSRAA. It’s about 40 miles south of Sitka. This is the second year of fish returning to that location. NSRAA general manager Steve Reifenstuhl said Thursday’s catch is bigger than any one-day catch on record for the private non-profit’s hatchery at Hidden Falls on the opposite side of Baranof Island. >click to read<09:33
Tensions escalate in scallop wars as French fishermen venture into British waters to net 44 bluefin tuna
The battle between British and French fisherman escalated again today after Gallic trawlers grabbed a giant haul of bluefin tuna off Jersey that their UK rivals must throw back. Two boats based in Normandy caught 44 of the valuable protected fish while hunting for bream off the Channel Islands – adding to already simmering tensions between the two nations. The tuna, each weighing between 50kg and 120kg and worth more than £100,000 in total, were then brought ashore at Granville in France to be sold. British fishermen caught in the ‘Battle of the Scallops’ last week say the new development proves their French foes are hypocrites. >click to read<09:02