Daily Archives: December 2, 2018
A Fundraiser for Injured Crab Fisherman Sean Harvell’s Recovery Fund
On November 26th 2018 while working on a commercial fishing boat, Sean suffered a blow to the head by a crab pot (large crabbing cage). He was rendered unconscious and suffered seizures while en route to the coast guard and then the hospital. He immediately underwent emergency brain surgery to remove pieces of his skull from his brain. Fortunately his surgery went well and he is on the road to recovery. Unfortunately, he has been left with a hole in his skull, needs more surgery ,, Sean had been working on a commercial fishing boat to support his fiancé and two young children. Due to doctors restrictions, he can not travel home before the second surgery. They need some help, >click to read, and please donate if you can.<20:10
Whale conservationist tackles fishing industry
A whale conservationist with a radical style says he intends to move forward with a “whale safety” initiative petition for 2020 in Massachusetts to ban vertical buoy ropes used in commercial fishing, among other efforts to protect whales and sea turtles. “We have to have a paradigm shift,” Richard Maximus Strahan, of Peterborough, New Hampshire, said of his advocacy efforts to stop the death and injury of whales and sea turtles from entanglement in rope used in commercial lobstering, crabbing and gillnetting. >click to read<19:29
North Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting in in Anchorage, December 3-11, 2018
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council will meet December 3-11, 2018 at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska. The Agenda and Schedule are available, as well as a list of review documents and their associated posting dates. Listen online while the meeting is in session. www.npfmc.org13:23
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council meeting in Kitty Hawk, December 3-7, 2018
The public is invited to attend the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council to be held at the Hilton Garden Inn/Outer Banks, 5353 N. Virginia Dare Trail, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949. Complete Agenda >click here< for details Webinar Registration: >Listen Live, Click here< To visit the SAFMC >click here<12:53
Lobsterman’s wife
My husband gets up around 4 a.m. to go lobstering on days that the weather allows. By 5 o’clock, he’s down at the boat and headed out of the cove, well before I’m getting out of bed and getting the kids ready for school. Once the kids are off, I head to work myself. I don’t worry about my husband constantly, but I do so sporadically throughout the day. A long time ago he told me that I didn’t need to worry about him on the bad weather days, it was the good days that I should think about him more, because those are the days that he might not notice things that are out of place; that he’s comfortable on the boat, not complacent, but secure. continues, >click to read<12:05
‘Dead zone’ worsens troubles for Louisiana shrimpers
Tommy Olander Jr. took his first baby steps on the deck of a 42-by-16-foot Lafitte skiff shrimp trawler. His dad, Thomas Olander, named the boat Tommy Boy after his son, now 25.
“I’d rather be broke and shrimping than get out of it,”,, But Olander did leave the business,,, The Louisiana shrimp industry is facing major economic and environmental challenges including low prices for shrimp, natural disasters, laws to protect endangered turtles and a Delaware-size dead zone with too little oxygen for aquatic life. “The main focus has been about prices,” said Acy Cooper, 58, president of the Louisiana Shrimp Association. “But there’s also (turtle excluder devices), the dead zone and freshwater diversion.” >click to read<10:09