Tag Archives: 000 salmon died

A quarter-million salmon died in their Bay of Fundy pens last summer during a sea lice outbreak
Documents filed with New Brunswick’s Court of Queen’s Bench reveal an environmental disaster was only narrowly averted last summer in the Bay of Fundy. The incident is tied to an outbreak of sea lice at aquaculture sites managed by the Gray Group, which had slipped into receivership owing millions of dollars to creditors. More than 250,000 salmon died from the fast-growing infestation before contractors managed to gain the upper hand. An additional 284,000 salmon were pre-emptively killed to contain the spread. The documents describe a race against the clock as Kinsman tried to convince insurers that more than 500,000 fish at Hospital Island and a nearby site at Hog Island needed to be killed to prevent the spread of the infestation to other areas. continue reading the story here 09:35