Tag Archives: 3-Minute Market Insight

3-Minute Market Insight – What Happened to the Fraser River Sockeye Salmon? We ask DFO, Scientist and Fishermen
For this special 300th episode we dug deep to find answers for the question in the back of everyone’s mind – where has all the Fraser River Sockeye salmon gone? In the final in-season assessment of the Fraser River, the Pacific Salmon Commission reported parts of the Fraser at 2.5 degrees higher than average for this time of year, as well as 15 percent lower water discharge. We spoke with Angela Bates, the Area Director for Fraser and BC Interior at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Vancouver, to investigate recent spawning trends. We Asked: The lowest return on record since 1893 is expected this year – what are the factors? Click here to watch the video or click here to read the transcript. Congratulations to Tradex for their 300th episode! 15:18
3MMI – El Nino Strikes Again: California Squid Fishery Dries Up

3-Minute Market Insight: What Happened to the Coho Salmon Market?
Coho Salmon prices have plummeted over the past year for wild caught Coho’s out of Alaska. So what happened to the Coho Salmon market? Ken Radcliff reports the news about wild Coho Salmon from Alaska, along with price information regarding the over supply last year. Watch the report here 10:11
Fishermen Eagerly Await Pink Salmon Opener; Astonishingly Early Start to Alaska Chum Salmon
3-Minute Market Insight: This year is looking to be a good one for Pink salmon, both in Russia and here in North America. In the Prince William Sound, fishing will actually start a little later than first expected. Watch the Tradex 3 Minute Update here 10:06
3-Minute Market Insight – Shrimp Market Nearing Record Level Prices, Pollock at Low Prices
Pricing for East Coast Pandalus borealis and West Coast Pandalus jordani, Canadian Shrimp meat, Pollock is being offered at $1450/MT, more 11:25
TradexFoods 3-Minute Market Insight – What is going on with Salmon this year? Sep 1, 2014
We’re hearing that buyers are having a hard time securing inventories of Salmon. Shortages seem to be on the Kings, Pinks, Chums and 6-9lb Sockeye out of Alaska and British Columbia Canada. There is speculation that Alaskan processors have been holding onto the supply of 6-9lb Sockeye waiting for the 2014 Fraser River Sockeye run to finish as it has not been living up to its expectations so far. We are also hearing that foreign seafood companies with ownership or ties to North American companies have been using that advantage to snap up the supply of Sockeye as well. Video here 11:44
TradexFoods 3-Minute Market Insight – Pacific Hake Plugging Up West Coast, Upcoming Puget Sound Chum Salmon Run
A Major producer in the United States has reported that more than 1000 metric tonnes of Pacific Hake will be unable to ship to Russia due to the recent import bans. Washington Dept of F & W has forecast a return of about 1.1 Million Fish in the Fall Chum Run. Some vendors are predicting a poor chum season, claiming that it is an “off year”, unlike last year. 13:14
3-Minute Market Insight – Fraser River Sockeye, Definitely Buyers Market, Russia Salmon 2 Weeks Late
TRADEX 3-Minute Market Insight – Uncertainty for Norwegian Salmon Exports; Hokkaido Chum Withdraws From MSC
Published on Aug 11, 2014 – The Fraser River Sockeye run began last week in B.C. – 750k LBs caught during first 38 hours – Other news in Japan, the net fall chum salmon fishery in Hokkaido has been withdrawn from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Watch it here 10:29
3-Minute Market Insight – Strong Pink Salmon Run in B.C.; Bristol Bay Sockeye Production Doubled
Published on Aug 4, 2014 – Pink salmon numbers are higher than expected as they follow a two-year cycle on odd numbered years. – H&G Sockeye production out of Bristol Bay has nearly doubled from the previous season. <Watch the report here> 11:33
3-Minute Market Insight – Pacific & Atlantic Cod Pricing Peculiarity, Poor Sockeye Salmon Season
Jun 30, 2014 Prices for Pacific Cod ex Warehouse Vladisvostok Russia are up over 30% Higher than prices this time last year whereas prices for Pacific Cod on the East Coast USA have stayed relatively even. Unusual fish sizes have affected the Sockeye Salmon Fishery in British Columbia Canada – Gillnet fishing in Barkley Sound has been poor for Sockeye and this is causing much confusion for fishermen. Watch the video report here 11:25
Tradex Foods 3-Minute Market Insight – Hokkaido Chum Salmon, 2014 West Coast Squid Landings
Published on Jun 2, 2014 This week in the Tradex Foods 3-Minute Market Insight, Rob Reierson discusses 2014 Quota Announcement for Hokkaido Chum Salmon Market, 2014 West Coast Market Squid Landings could be quite low based on Oceanic Niño Index Values, a Very Strong El Niño and . Watch video here 18:07