Tag Archives: big wave surfer

Big Wave Surfing and Commercial Fishing with Matt Becker
The talented crew over at 805 Beer have been releasing these high-quality mini-docs for a while now — spotlighting different occupations, exploring fringe cultures, and generally celebrating life. This time they’ve given us a glimpse into the lifestyle of second-generation California surfer/fisherman Matt Becker, who makes his money off commercial fishing, and feeds his soul off surfing spots like Maverick’s. It’s not a safe or soft routine, but it’s the only way Matt would want to live. Video, >click to watch< 18:44

Matt Becker, One of the Most Gifted Fisherman-Surfers You’ll Ever Meet
He’s young, gifted in riding big waves, and he’s in tune with the ways of the world. Mostly because he’s spent his early adult life as a fisherman, taking to the family business he learned from his father growing up in Santa Barbara. In fact, he’s probably one of the best professional surfers who also doubles as a professional fisherman in the world today. He might be the only one. “When I was young I was thinking I wasn’t going to be a fisherman, but I got older and met all these interesting people.” Video, and a great interview! >click to read< 19:59