Tag Archives: Bigelow trawl surveys

Elon, it’s time to sic the DOGE on BOEM, and NMFS By Jim Lovgren
The Trump administration has begun a long overdue financial analysis of the spending habits of federal agencies, looking to weed out waste, fraud, incompetence, bureaucratic overlap of different agencies, and unnecessary regulations. To do this he has recruited Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, who earned his wealth by his shear brilliance, to lead a new agency, called DOGE, Department of Governmental Efficiency. While there are plenty of federal departments that need cleaning up, or elimination, let’s hope that Elon doesn’t overlook BOEM and the NMFS. Let’s start with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that cavalierly sells the ocean bottom and its non-renewable resources to the highest bidder. This is an agency that has always been surrounded by controversy and corruption so bad that they had to change their name years ago from the Marine Minerals Service to its present BOEM. More, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:57

NOAA scientist: Offshore wind projects will likely affect viability of fishery surveys
At a special session of the New England Fisheries Management Council covering offshore wind, Wendy Gabriel, of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, outlined a wide number of concerns for the organization regarding the development of wind power along the coast. Chief among the concerns was the organization’s ability to continue conducting viable fishery surveys – which provide much of the data that the council uses to establish fishing quotas. “The bottom-line here is, nearly all of the long-term fishery independent surveys that have coverage will be affected,” she said during the session. >click to read<10:06
Scott Lang – Northeast Fisheries Science Center cannot ignore other fishery data
From the article: Prior to the June meeting, NEFSC hosted an “empirical approach” TRAC Yellowtail Benchmark meeting in April to “evaluate all relevant data sources with respect to their support for alternative hypotheses on stock status and . . . their directional impact on catch advice.” With NEFSC pledging that the “empirical approach” meeting would be new, innovative, inclusive, and transparent, there was much hype leading up to the April “Empirical Approach” meeting. NEFSC has been criticized in the past for a lack of transparency,,, Read more here 17:41