Tag Archives: Blue Crab FMP

NCFA WEEKLY UPDATE for March 17, 2025

Last week the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) met in Kitty Hawk for their quarterly meeting. There was a good turnout from the public as well as a lot of good public comments. Even though the meeting ran into the evening comment session, I think it was good for everyone there to experience the process firsthand. I hope we can continue having a lot of public turnout! This was a very contentious meeting with almost every decision resulting in a 4-5 vote. I am certain we will be discussing these votes in more detail but for this week I just wanted to provide links to the full meeting and update everyone on the votes passed. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:11

NCFA WEEKLY UPDATE FOR March 10, 2025 – MFC Meeting This Week

The time has come for the Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) to discuss and vote on the six fisheries on the chopping block. This is your chance to come together and show unity and support as a fishing community. Public comments are important, but showing up in large numbers sends a strong message as well. We have talked about these issues for weeks leading up to this MFC meeting. You know the issues, you know the problems, and you want to do what is right. Just attending this meeting shows solidarity and the urgency of our situation. If you can, we also encourage you to give public comment, talk with MFC members, and/or DMF staff. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:15

NCFA WEEKLY UPDATE FOR March 03, 2025 – From The Executive Director, A Few Agenda Items of Interest

As we’ve mentioned before, the NCFA does not believe the Marine Fisheries Commission can make any changes to the Blue Crab FMP without an updated stock assessment or a peer reviewed and approved benchmark assessment. We have emailed DMF Director, Kathy Rawls, outlining our concerns and are waiting for a response explaining why the DMF believes they can move forward using the adaptive management strategy, approved in Amendment 3, and the results of the 2018 stock assessment, which, when updated, was not approved for use. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:57