Tag Archives: Braxton Davis
Frustrated fishermen meet with new NC fisheries director Braxton Davis
About 50 exasperated, even angry, commercial fishermen gathered Monday to meet the new director of the North Carolina agency that governs how these watermen make a living. They came to the Dare County offices from towns east and west of the Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, ranging from Hatteras Village to Elizabeth City. They came to voice frustrations and ask questions about what they believe are unfair and arbitrary regulations that shrink their livelihood. Southern flounder harvest restrictions and sea turtle conservation efforts were sore points. Sea turtles are best with “taters and onions,” said Sharon Peele Kennedy, a member of the board of directors for Outer Banks Catch, a group that advocates for local fishing and seafood. This fight is old for fishermen on the Outer Banks, but their opponent has a new face, Braxton Davis, who in April became director of the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries and the Division of Coastal Management after the last director resigned. Davis was not tanned. His hair was neatly coiffed and he wore a button-down collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He said he’s experienced in coastal issues, but acknowledged his fishing experience was limited to occasional recreational trips. Read the rest here 19:04
Division of Coastal Management director now Division of Marine Fisheries director as well
State environmental department Secretary Dr. Donald van der Vaart today named , director of the state Division of Coastal Management, to lead the state’s Division of Marine Fisheries effective immediately. For the immediate future, the divisions will remain separate entities housed under the state’s environmental agency, and Mr. Davis will lead both divisions as director. The department intends to examine ways in which the two divisions can achieve efficiencies in operations. Braxton’s knowledge of state and national coastal issues, and his experience as director of our coastal management division, made him the perfect choice to lead both groups,” said Dr. van der Vaart. Read the rest here 14:03