Tag Archives: “buy local”
The consumer demand for local seafood: Industry leaders want to bypass imports
Brenda Johnson was having a pleasant time at last month’s Best of the Bayou festival in downtown Houma when she got a little hungry and was drawn to a vendor booth where the fare included golden fried shrimp. “I was getting ready to order some shrimp when I asked the girl where they were from,” said Johnson, a retired city court worker. The woman serving the shrimp wasn’t sure so she asked a man working the booth, who said with a smile that the shrimp were “Asian farm-raised shrimp.” Johnson waved her hand at the booth and went elsewhere. “I couldn’t believe they were selling that shrimp at a ‘Best of the Bayou’ festival,” said Johnson, who contacted her parish councilman and asked if anything could be done. click here to read the story 12:51