Tag Archives: Casey McManus
‘Deadliest Catch’: Will There Be a Season 20?
For nearly two decades, Discovery Channel’s reality series Deadliest Catch has offered TV viewers an inside look at the rough-and-tumble world of commercial fishing. The show, which follows fishermen as they hunt the Bering Sea for crab and other seafood, last aired new episodes in September 2023. Now, fans are wondering if and when it might return with new episodes. Here’s what we know so far about Deadliest Catch Season 20. In recent seasons of Deadliest Catch, viewers have seen the effect dramatic changes in seafood populations in the Bering Sea have had on commercial fishermen. more, >>click to read<< 1o:59

Coast Guard Medevacs ‘Deadliest Catch’ Fisherman During Arctic Storm with Three Minutes of Fuel Left
On a recent episode, a man very nearly did die after being crushed by 2,000 pounds of steel crab pots aboard the F/V Patricia Lee, captained by Rip Carlton. Fisherman Todd Kochutin was hit by a single crab pot and died on the ship in February 2021. This time it was Francis Katungin, another fisherman, who was gravely injured after a wave hit and left him with pelvis trauma and a damaged iliac artery. Without immediate medical attention, he would likely die. When a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter showed up, the pilot was doubtful they’d be able to extract Katungin. With quickly depleting fuel, a moving target, dangerous winds and unruly water, the likelihood that they would rescue the fisherman was extremely slim. >Video, >click to read< 12:22

Is It the Last Stand for the Fishermen of the Deadliest Catch?
Fishing has never been an easy job as has been demonstrated on previous seasons of the Deadliest Catch, but when the 18th season premieres this week, it may very well be the last stand as for the first time in a quarter of a century, Alaska’s Department of Fish and Game closed Bristol Bay Red King Crab Fishery for the 2020/2021 season. Times are so desperate that Capt. Sig Hansen has relocated to Karmǿy, Norway, where invasive Red King Crab from Russia offer a temptingly lucrative, but risky new market for the veteran crabber, after a disastrous attempt to keep the fishery open. Video trailer, >click to read< 12:16

Deadliest Catch: Season 18 – The fight to stay in business
“Over the past 17 seasons, audiences have watched the legendary Deadliest Catch captains navigate treacherous seas, intense rivalries and even saw them fight to stay in business last year when the entire fishery almost shut down, but nothing could have prepared these captains for the loss of fishing the lucrative red king crab. For the first time in 25 years, the Alaskan government shut down red king crab catching for the season. Facing financial ruin, each captain is forced to start over and search the Bering Sea for a new way to make a living. Are these captains up for the challenge? Or will they pack up and head home empty handed? Trailer, >click to read< 10:51

The Biggest Hauls Ever Made on Deadliest Catch
When most people think of fishing, they immediately envision a serene and relaxing activity,,, However, that image changed for a lot of people in 2005 when Deadliest Catch debuted on the Discovery Channel. The series follows crab fisherman as they venture out into the ocean in search of Alaskan king crab and snow crab. The fishermen often have to brave harsh weather and intense storms and the job can quite literally turn deadly in just a matter of seconds. At the same time, however, the reward that comes with huge hauls makes many people feel like the job is worth it. So, just how big can these hauls be? >click to read<13:50

‘Deadliest Catch’: Josh Harris and Casey McManus on the Cornelia Marie’s return in Season 14
Deadliest Catch fans, we have good news: When the Cornelia Marie sets out for king crab season at 12:01 a.m. Saturday morning (“You never leave on a Friday,” Capt. Josh Harris reminds us), there will be cameras on it. The fan-favorite boat was missing from Season 13 of Discovery’s Emmy-winning reality series, even though it remained an active part of the Bering Sea crab fleet last year.,,, The boat itself has also been through a major overhaul. “There’s a lot more buttons up here to push,” Josh says from the state-of-the-art wheelhouse. “I’m really excited to start pushing these buttons on the new machinery, the new electronics we’ve got, and hopefully I learn quick.” click here to read the story here 14:49
Deadliest Catch Captains Making Mischief for charity at The Captain’s Whiskey Slam
In what may very well be the most chest-hair-growing partnership in modern memory, Fremont Mischief Distillery has teamed up with Deadliest Catch celebrity crab captains Sig Hansen and Casey McManus, as well as co-captain Josh Harris, to make whiskey for charity at The Captain’s Whiskey Slam. Fremont Mischief’s new rye whiskey, Storm Tossed Rye, is a special batch that has been barrel-aged aboard Sig Hansen’s Northwestern and Casey McManus’ and Josh Harris’ Cornelia Marie. The whiskey batch, aged on the two different boats, is going head-to-head in true Deadliest Catch competition style. The goal is to sell all of the Storm Tossed Ryewhiskey between the release date, August 20, and October 1 in order to donate $40,000 to Seattle’s Fisherman Memorial and Sea Scouts’ Propeller and Yankee Clipper educational vessel efforts. The vision for the event comes from Doug Dixon, manager of Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, and Mike Sherlock, owner of Fremont Mischief Distillery and 29-year veteran of commercial fishing. Read the story here 20:34