Tag Archives: catches

Catches, quotas and communities: the key fisheries issues at stake
Only a few hours after accession talks had begun on 30 June 1970, the UK government was told that a common fisheries policy had been agreed by the original six members of the community. It was a fait accompli. The UK had to hand over equal access to its waters and the catch quotas for each country were fixed on the basis of the recorded catches of the various national fleets between 1973 and 1978. It led to some very unpalatable outcomes, including those in the Channel, where the UK’s share of the cod quota stands at 9%, whereas France’s share is 84%. Today, EU fishing fleets catch 675,000 tonnes of fish in UK waters – 60% of the total caught in the UK sector. British fishermen catch just 88,000 tonnes, or 16% of the fish taken in EU waters. >click to read< 13:39

NC fisherman catches rare all-blue crab
Dean Bowling has pulled in thousands of crabs from thousands of crab pots during his decades-long career as a commercial fisherman. This week, for the first time in his life, he caught one that caused him to stop what he was doing and call his daughter, Jillian. “‘You’re not gonna believe what I caught in the trap today,'” Jillian Bowling recalled her dad saying. “So I said, ‘Send me a picture’ and he sent me a picture and I could not believe my eyes. I called him immediately and said, ‘Do you know what you have? That’s amazing. That’s one in a billion.'” >click to read< 17:41