Tag Archives: CETA
BAKER – CETA: Political showdown or tempest in a teapot?
The continuing ruckus around the is feeling a little bit like a Twilight Zone episode: What is real? What isn’t? Why did this suddenly become an issue? Who promised what? And who was the man in the red hat? All good questions. Well, mostly. Read the rest here 16:31
CETA Relevance to NL Inshore/Coastal Communities – Winston Fiander
Newfoundland and Labrador are blessed with some 40,000 kilometers of coastline which has hundreds of communities situated adjacent to some of the richest fishing grounds in the world. Read more@sustainablefisheriesca 11:08
There is some market for cod on the south coast, after months with none – The Fisheries Broadcast
Did the Europeans ask Canada to relax restrictions around ownership of harvesting licences as part of CETA? listen@cbc 16:04
Why the Snub? CETA tour takes feds to all provinces, except N.L.
The absence of this province from the cross country tour comes after a similar absence during a major press conference on Oct. 29 announcing a $400 million federal-provincial fisheries fund. The federal government is contributing $280 million to that fund, but not a single federal MP, senator or bureaucrat attended the event held at the Rooms in St. John’s. more@cbcnews 20:51
Brussels-based (CETA) memo contradicts Canadian statements – says N.L. fish will help European processors
“I have to talk to both Canadian and European trade people (about this),” Simms told The Fisheries Broadcast, adding that his next question is, “To what extent do processors in the European Union want the raw material from the Newfoundland and Labrador coast to feed their plants?” THEY WANT IT ALL!! more@cbcnews 14:31
The discussion on CETA and the $400 million fisheries fund is hitting on a recurring question: is there enough information out there about the proposed plans? We’ll look at how the debate is shaping up politically, from the viewpoint of three very different participants. Listen, thefisherybroadcast
Free trade deal could open ports to rogue fishing vessels – CETA may grant EU vessels ‘most-favoured’ status for Canadian port access
There are concerns that CETA, the proposed free trade agreement between Canada and Europe, could make it more difficult for Canada to restrict access to its ports for European vessels, including those cited for fishing infractions outside the 200-mile limit, CBC News has learned. more@cbcnews 07:46