Tag Archives: Cold water

Jan. temps put summer shrimp haul at risk. What’s behind SC’s decision to help?

Jeff Brunson, the state Department of Natural Resources’ crustacean fisheries manager, said the general trawl zone will close at 7 p.m. Wednesday, except for certain provisional areas located at the outer edge of inshore state waters, which will close Jan. 31. Shrimpers can still fish in deeper federal waters. The reason for the closure of the inshore state waters is cold water brought on by continued below-average temperatures. “As water drops, they migrate out farther to areas where it’s a little warmer,” Brunson said. “We’re trying to protect those overwintering shrimp and their migration this time of year is largely driven by water temperature.” Protecting these young shrimps is critical because they develop into adult white roe shrimp up to 8 inches long. And it’s those adult shrimps that make up the valuable spring and summer harvest. The value of the state’s entire shrimp harvest averaged $8 million between 2019 and 2023. “It’s our highest value fishery,” Brunson said. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:57

Cold waters, few shrimp means delay in South Carolina season opening

Two years ago, Greg Herald and two partners decided to try to beat the odds. They bought a shrimp boat and began working from Shem Creek. They wanted to become part of the traditional Lowcountry fleet that is struggling just to hang on. Today, the partnership has liquidated. The veteran commercial fisherman among them, Vince Shavender, has gone home to North Carolina. Herald plans to continue selling shrimp from a roadside stand — local catch if he can get it. But last year he traveled as far as North Carolina and Georgia to find enough to sell. The third partner, who bought out the boat, didn’t return phone messages asking if he is still in the shrimping business. >click to read<10:32