Tag Archives: Congressman John Tierney

New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell speaks out a special listening session in Gloucester

basevisitNEW BEDFORD, Mass. — July 1, 2014 — Mayor Jon Mitchell today spoke out on the topic of fisheries management at a special listening session in Gloucester, Massachusetts hosted by Congressman John Tierney and Congressman Peter DeFazio,,, Read more here 17:54


Warren set to host fishing reform hearing today

gdt iconThe hearing — which will also include Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard — is designed to rein in input from fishermen and industry advocates. Among those scheduled to testify include Brian Rothschild, who has headed up the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth marine science program and is recognized as one of the most respected and leading advocates for fishermen and the fisheries. more@GDT 06:54

GDT Editorial: Warren right to note need for fishing aid beyond ‘loans’

gdt iconWhile our federal lawmakers join the push for offering federal Small Business Administrations loans to Gloucester’s and other fishermen (see news story, Page 1), it’s encouraging to hear U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren also concede that any such package would be merely be a positive first step toward the type of relief fishermen need. more@GDT 13:44

Tierney fisheries bid shot down in House

An amendment submitted by Congressman John Tierney to give commercial fishermen access to a U.S. Agriculture emergency disaster loan program had died in the U.S. House, though Tierney hopes it may still find sufficient support througdt icongh a House-Senate reconciliation. continued@gloucesterdailytimes

Gloucester: Confronting a crisis – Fishermen shift focus; Tierney renews push for federal aid

gdt iconJoe Orlando, captain of the mid-sized dragger Padre Pio and president of the 35-boat Gloucester trawl sector, was modifying his nets to keep them closer to the bottom as he shifts his fishing focus from the iconic cod and haddock to dabs —  smallest of the flatfish, which burrow in the sand and mud of the Gulf of Maine. He and the rest of the day boat fishermen preparing for the bittersweet opening June 1 of hundreds of nautical miles of water that was closed to fishing through May. continued

Congressman John Tierney releases statement on Magnuson-Stevens Act hearing

“Without a doubt, today’s parameters are not working,” continue

NOAA urged to subsidize monitors

NOAA Regional Administrator John Bullard announced last month in advance of the December council meeting that NOAA did not have the budget for a third year of 100 percent subsidy of at-sea monitoring, a requirement on about one third of groundfish trips. Each trip that is monitored pays $300 to the contractor. Bullard’s office has said the cost of monitoring is about $6-7 million a year. Read more here

Congressman John Tierney eyes Saltonstall-Kennedy Act money for fisheries aid

“From Gloucester, Massachusetts to Mississippi to Alaska, fishermen in several states are facing near catastrophic economic situations,” Tierney wrote in an email to the Times. “Despite the Department of Commerce’s recognition of these disasters with emergency declarations in 2012, sufficient relief still has not been provided. This is unacceptable.”  Read more here