Tag Archives: Cornwall Fish Producers Organisation

Being squeezed out? Fishermen fear for livelihoods as offshore wind farms pose ‘greatest change’

Fishermen in Cornwall fear proposals for mass offshore wind farms could destroy their businesses and pose the “greatest change” the fishing industry has ever faced. The Crown Estate – which owns much of the country’s seabed – has published plans for what it calls “areas of opportunity” for offshore wind farms in waters off the North East and the Celtic Sea around South Wales, Devon and Cornwall. It insists a maximum of 15% of North East and 12% of Celtic Sea zones may be leased to offshore wind companies. He said: “This is probably the greatest change to our fishing patterns and businesses we’re ever going to encounter, we’re going to be squeezed out of the way, that’s our greatest fear, by all these wind farms all of a sudden taking up ground that we traditionally fish.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:24

Fishing times they are a changing!

A new strategy for the fishing industry in Cornwall is set to be created as the value of fish landed continues to rise. The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has been working with the Cornwall Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO) to draw up the new strategy looking at how the industry can be prepared for the future. Paul Trebilcock, chief executive of the CFPO, told the LEP board this week that fishing was part of the “social fabric” of Cornwall. He explained that the fishing industry in Cornwall was bigger than that in Wales and Northern Ireland in terms of fish landed and fishermen. >click to read< 08:27