Tag Archives: DFO plan
The NLGIDC are surprised and disappointed by DFO’s plan to implement a moratorium on 3Ps cod
St. John’s, NL, March 23. 2021 – The Newfoundland and Labrador Groundfish Industry Development Council (NLGIDC) finds it difficult to understand DFO’s rationale in proposing a moratorium for 3Ps cod in 2021. We are opposed to this approach. “During the 3Ps industry advisory meeting early in 2021, the DFO science presentation indicated the most important factors in determining stock growth are high natural mortality and a changing ecosystem and not the commercial fishery”, said Jim Baird, the Chairperson of the NLGIDC. Some facts from the recent 3Ps assessment: >click to read< 12:57
DFO has a new plan for northern cod stocks. It doesn’t include more fishing
The rebuilding plan, made public with little fanfare on Dec. 21 after years in development, outlines the Department of Fisheries and Ocean’s objectives to boost fish numbers and the management techniques it intends to use to measure any progress starting in 2021. Northern cod numbers have ticked upwards since the 1992 moratorium brought harvesting and processing to a screeching halt. A small stewardship fishery now exists, with 1,865 licence holders allotted a maximum harvest of around 12,000 tonnes of cod in 2020. But 28 years later, stocks remain well below pre-moratorium levels, and in DFO terminology, remain squarely in a “critical zone.” >click to read< 11:15